On the 9th December 2015, Constable D J Van Vuuren did SA.MAST the honours and drew LotZery Ticket number 98 out of a hat at the Kirstenhof Police Station, Cape Town. 
The SA.MAST team congratulates Ingrid Anderson,
this year's SA.MAST LotZery winner!
"I was absolutely delighted when you called me yesterday to say that I had won R 28075.00. I've never won anything in my life!"
"I decided to enter the competition because I think that you and your team are doing a much needed and often thankless job in Khayelitsha . I am so impressed that you have a mass animal sterilisation programme preventing further unwanted births but also go out of your way to help sick and injured animals too. I have also heard of your phenomenal kennel building programme – you guys must be SUPER HEROES."
"My husband & I are dog lovers, we have a rescue dog, a beautiful Boelbul. He was neglected and abused but with constant love and affection he has turned into the most beautiful dog and friend."
"We want to donate R 2800.00 back to SA.MAST. The balance of the money we will spend over Christmas. My sister is a single parent & lives overseas, our parents are in their late 70's and we are now going to spend a family Christmas together- YAY" Ingrid Anderson
In total, 1140 tickets tickets were sold,
but 17 tickets were not paid for and were removed from the draw.
The total amount of funds raised through this competition is R112 300.
This is a new record!
Shortly before the competition was due to close we had less than 800 tickets paid for. Thank you to ALL for rallying to our call to reach 1000 tickets sold and paid for.
We pole vaulted over the finish line!
As promised, 25% of funds raised,
a STUNNING R28 075, has been paid over to the winner!