A note from Tamsin Nel, Founder and Director of SA.MAST.
I will share a secret with you. Almost nothing about what, how or when SA.MAST does something is ever straight forward or easy. Fear of failure is a shadow that follows me always, but it is never allowed to dominate. My secret to keeping that fear in check is this:
Close your eyes and visualize what it is that you want. Don't start with the how or when of it. Start with the vision of it and make certain you have claimed this vision with every fiber of your being. If you do this, I mean really do this, obstacles like politics, crime, lack of money or know-how become part of the story but never a central figure. You will find that like a parent who would do anything to protect their child, you will find a strength (which was always yours to begin with) raise its hand and lead the way. And just like any novel, the beginning and end is not found in the first chapter. Depending on how big a vision it is, it can take years to realise, but with the turning of each page the final chapter gets ever closer. When the last page is turned ... you write the sequel!
My story began in 2008 with a PC, a telephone and an absolute conviction that cat and dog overpopulation will cease to be the status quo in Khayelitsha – some say it's the largest informal settlement in South Africa. There was more than one false start, but my vision and conviction was a constant.
Just a few years later, ownership of my story has been claimed by many special and wonderful heroes and champions. It is no longer 'my' story, it is our story.
I am of course talking about you the donor and the amazing SA.MAST staff.

How do we thank you for your trust and support?
There are many ways in which we have and could still do this, but I think this says it best?

We are just one year away from achieving a
90% sterilisation coverage rate
for all of Khayelitsha!

We have completed the building of our new hospital
... and we have
purchased over 80% of all the veterinary equipment we need!
The hospital includes larger cat and dog sterilisation wards
2 x Surgeries.
1 x General Ward.
2 x Consultation Rooms.
1 x Quarantine & X-ray Room.
1x Reception Room.
1 x Kitchen, Store Room & Admin Office.
3 x Bathrooms.
1 x Humane Education/Meeting/ Training Room (up to 25 people at a time).

The year ahead...
SA.MAST is very much looking forward to next year. 2016 will provide us with the opportunity to consolidate and focus on sterilising, maintaining and managing the cat and dog population, treating the sick and injured, educating and maybe, just maybe, expanding our sterilisation programme to neighbouring informal settlements too –after all we have a winning formula!