We have been VERY quiet but VERY busy…

... of a hospital, where every scared, hurt or injured animal who came to us for help would have a place to heal.
... of place where the people of Khayelitsha, young and old, could learn how to care for their animals and themselves.
... of a bigger mass sterilisation and primary treatment centre that can, given enough support, be able to conduct the mother of all sterilisation campaigns!

We packed up our stuff and made ready to pay our good fortune forward...

We paid our good fortune forward and donated that which others needed the the most… one converted container to an impoverished crèche in Site B of Khayelitsha.

And another to an equally impoverished crèche in Mfuleni, an informal settlement that is but a hop, skip and jump away from Khayelitsha.

We took delivery of that which we were most in need of and our dreams, yours, mine and the brave and devoted men and woman of SA.MAST, are coming true at last!

SA.MAST extends a A VERY special thank you to
Wayne Druian of Anthony Richards & Associates
for their much needed and extremely appreciated
support of SA.MAST
How you can help:
No donation amount is too small! We can issue Section 18A Tax Donation Certificates.

Fill out a debit order form, for an amount of your own choosing on our website:

Make a SECURE Credit Card donation on our website:

Make a Direct Deposit, our bank account details are:
SA.MAST, Nedbank. Acc no 1676031707, Bcc: 198765
Please don't forget to let us know about your donation, we ALWAYS appreciate the opportunity to say thank you.