Simple sentence. COVID -19. Profound implications.
As a nation and as citizens of the world, every day presents us with an opportunity to be lost and directionless OR to centre ourselves, decide to do what is in the best interest of the collective and to act with purpose.
Despite the varied challenges and hardships Covid-19 presents for us all, the
SA.MAST Animal Clinic in Khayelitsha,
included in the draft list of essential services,
will remain open
and operational six days a week. This includes our animal ambulance service.
Additionally, we will be distributing sanitizing gels and solutions to people living in shacks in Khayelitsha.
This is how we will continue to give meaning to these words:
My humanity is bound up in yours.

Covid-19 will eventually pass.
Until it does, sensible preparational measures need to be taken. We ask that you PLEASE assist our animal hospital, situated in South Africa's largest township, as much as is possible.
Now is not the time to think someone else will do it. Now, before it is too late, is the time to help us get through this crisis in whatever way YOU can.
Because of the nature of our work, we engage with people every day. Our planned mass sterilisation programme for a very large and new area in Khayelitsha has had to be put on hold. The second it can commence again, it will! Emergency treatment at our clinic and via our animal ambulance will be uninterrupted. But sanitizing products have flown off the shelves and as a result there is a nation-wide shortage. Shelves will be restocked, but it will still take time.
We've placed an initial order of 100L with Kyron in JHB for hand sanitizing gel and environmental spray and bought plastic containers to decant into. We will distribute to people who come to our clinic and at the homes our animal ambulances go to when they collect very ill or injured cats, dogs or their babies.

Our sanitizer order has cost us R9102.83 and the plastic containers R3309.30.
There is every possibility we will have to place an even larger order in the weeks or months to come. We need you to become part of our fundraising team.
Download PDF for veterinary purchase list.
Crowdfund for us.
Pledge your birthday.
Make a once off donation or become a regular donor.
Speak to your boss (this may mean you're having a conversation with yourself 😊) about what your business could do to help.

Countries are in lockdown, including ours. Various veterinary medicines and surgical consumables are going to be in short supply or not available at all for weeks or months to come. Its already starting.
We need to place bulk orders before shipments are stopped altogether.

To get through the next 6 months we have to place bulk orders totalling R300 000.
We need you to become a part of our fundraising team
Download PDF for veterinary purchase list.
Crowdfund for us.
Pledge your birthday.
Make a once off donation or become a regular donor.
Speak to your boss (this may mean you're having a conversation with yourself 😊) about what your business could do to help.

This past weekend, while feeling thin and frayed at the edges, I asked my son what he would like to do with the day – reminding him it should be outdoors and not too crowded. He said: Lets go make a peace garden at the clinic. So off we went.

with a little bit of love and little bit of labour
a light can shine in dark places
both within and without
Four hours later, after a few minor squabbles and a couple of stubbed toes, we were driving home feeling grounded and happier. We talked about how we had worked as a team, how colourful and beautiful our garden will become and the joy it would bring to others … and all the other things we're still looking forward to doing at the clinic. We're looking forward to picking up where we left off just as soon as we can.

In all likelihood, the next few weeks, perhaps even months, are going to be the hardest we have ever had to endure in Khayelitsha.
I urge you to stand by our side and to please champion our efforts to relieve pain and suffering and to shine a light of love, hope and compassion.
Tamsin Nel, Founder & Director