Have you been wondering where your kennel went and who the lucky dog is?
Well here is Part 1 of all the BEFORE and AFTER photos of the kennel delivery campaign for you to enjoy….
Just a quick note though: You will notice in many of the photographs that the dogs are being tied up incorrectly in less than ideal conditions. It's a fact that in many of these cases the law is being broken, but there is precious little animal related law enforcement taking place in Khayelitsha.
We are planning to send you a special newsletter exposing how dire the situation is and what we want to do about it, but for now we want to briefly tell you about two new projects we are going to engage in:

The basics of OPERATION RUNNING WIRE are that we would like to employ a small team from Khayelitsha and equip them with everything they need to erect wire runs for dogs. This campaign will not only make the world of difference to many, many dogs (perhaps even thousands) in short spaces of time, but it will also compliment our mass animal sterilisation and primary treatment programme. Every home we visit to install a running wire will be an opportunity for us to collect the names and addresses of cats and dogs who need to be sterilised and receive their primary treatments.
Stay tuned for a detailed report!